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'One day...I'll fly away' - Brick Lane Shoreditch

'One day...I'll fly away' - Brick Lane Shoreditch


Once again this tickled my romantic funny bone...

‘She’ looked so life like. As if at any moment she’d heave a huge sigh, stand up, ‘straighten up & fly right’ out of the window and disappear into Brick Lane bohemia.


London E1/ ©2010

  • Re Mounted Prints

    Please note that the size stated refers to the size of the mount not the image/print size:

    28x20ins (70x50cms) mount with an 18x12ins (45x30cms) central image/print.
    16x12ins (40x30cms) mount with a 9x6ins (22x15cms) central image/print.

    The mount sizes are the same as the metric frame sizes you will go on to purchase for your mounted prints - be they standard shelf selections from high stores or custom made from your local art framer.

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