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Old Borough Market @ the crack o' dawn

Old Borough Market @ the crack o' dawn


Reputed to be the oldest food market in London - stretching as far back as 1276!....
( as cited in Stephen Halliday's book - ' London's Markets: from Smithfield to Portobello Road (The History Press, 2014)


It was literally the 'crack of dawn' when I captured this image for prosperity. The huge lights were being turned off one by one as night completed its transition into day. Many of the traders, cheerful, chatty, in the middle of setting up, must have arrived way before 6am...


This entrance no longer exists. It is now a large modern glass atrium housing food stalls & rest & eating areas for tired visitors.There is still a charm about the place, it's just different, evolving...

London SE1/ ©2009

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